Cats have over 100 different vocalizations, while dogs only have around 10

The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, even bigger than the largest dinosaur. Its tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant. 

Pigs can't look up at the sky due to their neck anatomy, which limits their ability to tilt their heads backward. 

Although they seem slow, sloths can actually hold their breath for longer than dolphins - up to 40 minutes! 

Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump. Despite their size and strength, they are surprisingly agile and can move silently when necessary. 

Cows form strong bonds within their herds, displaying signs of distress when separated from their best friends. 

The mimic octopus is a master of disguise. It can change its shape, color, and texture to mimic other animals such as lionfish, flatfish, and sea snakes to avoid predators.