The Shannon number, indicating possible unique chess games, surpasses the estimated count of atoms in the observable universe. It's roughly 10^120, compared to about 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.

Meet Turritopsis dohrnii, the "immortal jellyfish." This remarkable species can reset its life cycle, essentially living forever by reverting to its juvenile form after reaching maturity.

Archaeologists unearthed perfectly edible honey pots in ancient Egyptian tombs, over 3,000 years old. Its low moisture and acidic pH prevent spoilage, making honey virtually immortal. 

In the summer, the Eiffel Tower can grow taller by up to 15 cm! As iron expands in the heat, this iconic landmark stretches, adding several centimeters to its height during warmer months. 

Bananas are technically berries, while strawberries are not. According to botanical terms, berries come from a single ovary and have seeds inside the flesh. So, bananas fit the bill, but strawberries, with their seeds on the outside, do not. 

The shortest war in history lasted just 38 minutes! The Anglo-Zanzibar War, on August 27, 1896, saw a swift British victory as they bombarded the Sultan's palace, resulting in minimal casualties. 

The world's quietest room, found at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota, USA, absorbs 99.99% of sound. This anechoic chamber is so silent that it can induce hallucinations, allowing the human ear to detect even the faintest noises, such as the circulation of blood in one's own ears.